Meet the team

We are a team of international researchers. Each person brings different expertise to the research, but what we share is an interest in sexual and reproductive health in digital spaces.   

Sarah Riley (Massey University) - is a body image researcher, using corporative inquiry and supporting early career researchers to do the same.    

Siobhan Healy-Cullen (Massey University) – works on topics related to young people’s digital sexual citizenship.   

Tracy Morison (Massey University) - works in the field of reproductive health and justice.   

Christine Stephens (Massey University) - works in the field of older people’s health.   

Natasha Tassell-Matamua (Massey University) - works in the field of indigenous psychologies.   

Deborah Lupton (University of New South Wales) - works in the field of digital health.      

Alex Hawkey (University of Western Sydney) - works with marginalised women in women's health issues, including refugee women.   

Astrid Ensslin (University of Bergen, Norway) - works in the field of digital cultures.   

Adrienne Evans (Coventry University, UK) - works in the field of digital cultures. 

Katrin Tiidenberg (Tallinn University, Estonia) - works in the field of digital cultures.   

Jane Ussher (University of Western Sydney) - works in the field of woman’s health.    

Carla Rice (University of Guelph, Canada) - works in the fields of art and social justice.