Resource Portfolio

My Favorite Resources:

  1. Desmos: Desmos is an online graphing calculator. I plan to include this in my classroom instruction by using it to show graphs visually. It is a great resource for visual learning.

  2. Google Drive: Google drive is a great way to share and complete online assignments. I plan to include this in my classroom by sharing documents with my students, teaching them how to share assignments with me, etc.

  3. Google Sheets: Although it is part of the Google Drive family, google sheets is a great tool for math specifically. Students will be able to use Google Sheets as a calculator if needed, a place for data collection, a way to create graphs based on data, and more.

  4. Kahoot: Kahoot is a fun and interactive way to assess your students. Students will be able to prove their knowledge with the ability to earn extra credit.

  5. Canvas: Canvas is a popular learning management system to help organize classes. Students will have access to classroom activities if they are unable to join class that day, they will submit assignments online, and they will be able to see their grade breakdown.

  6. Storytelling App: This app was a fun way to tell math stories that are engaging for students. I will use this app to help my students make sense of abstract ideas.