Prospective Students and Postdocs

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But Contact Us if you're interested! Sometimes I can connect you to other researchers on campus, or let you know about future oppurtunities.

General information

Undergraduate researchers

Graduate positions

Postdoctoral Researcher

Check out the posts below and Contact Us for more information! 

Missouri University of Science and Technology is located in Rolla, Missouri. The GGPE department hosts faculty in geology, geophysics, petroleum engineering, and engineering geophysics and geology. Rolla is 1.5 hours southwest of St. Louis, and is home to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, the Missouri Geological Survey, and a branch of the US Geological Survey. Rolla is within a 20-minute drive of several national forests, scenic rivers and extensive limestone caves. 

Future career possibilities following work in the GEMLab

- Remote sensing tech industry. Many new startups and tech companies use satellite data and and mathematics and computers to address client issues, and they need people with the quantitative skills who can understand and apply data insights to solve problems.

- Oil and gas industry. The geophysical and computational skills we focus on translate easily to oil and gas.

- Geothermal industry. Geothermal is a growing component of the energy sector and is critical for long-term sustainable energy production. 

- Risk modeling. Companies such as RMS and AIR provide risk models for various insurance and reinsurance companies around the world, and require earthquake, weather, and wildfire modelers as well as software and data engineers. 

- Academia. Typically this requires a good postdoc.

- Teaching college. Smaller colleges and universities employ PhD graduates to teach science courses, and they exist everywhere in the US. 

- Research labs. Similar to academia, with more direct applications to earth, space, and defense industries.