Milo Hannapolis

Department Head and Professor

Alphard Hitchman is the Head of the Modern Studies & Philosophy Department at MSOE. A forensic xenobiologist by trade, Professor Hitchman teaches many classes at the university having little to nothing to do with his fields of study or expertise. With nearly a 40% average class failure rate, Professor Hitchman is considered one of our best instructors. Between grading multipage mazes and judging local farming competitions, Professor Hitchman is rarely in his office, even during office hours.

"★✰✰✰✰- If only a one star review was enough ...”

-MOZEESUX, RateMyProffessor

As an MSOE instructor, Professor Hitchman has spearheaded some of the most controversial and university hated programs at the school, including the critically panned “MSOE, a place where nightmares are made” marketing video.

Earning his Associates degree in Pan-American Toxicology from the University of Dade County Correctional Institute, Professor Hitchman went on to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Interoperative Multidimensional Physiology from the University of Sealand, and finally earned his Master’s degree in Fire Science from MSOE.

“I believe Mr. Hitchman did attend the University while imprisoned here. He has a diploma, so he must have.”

-Ms. Kellyane Brochmann, Warden, Dade County Correctional Institution

Interested in a class with Professor Hitchman?

Courses currently taught by Professor Hitchman include:

MA\BI-2003: Life Science Calculations

SS-5598: Intergovernmental Psychology

OR-1029: Fingers: Printing, Painting, and Anatomy

NU-3435: Interuterine Fetal Airway Management

"He is...really"

-Micheal Donald, Former Student, MSOE