Slide Docs & Audiobooks


Master Copy of #ObserveMe

This book was created with the intent to print to standard size paper from a copy machine. The purpose was to have teachers examine different models of implementing the #observeme protocol, and to create a model that would fit our needs. There are places where teachers will need to access links to articles and videos, so I added QR codes to be scanned from their Chromebooks. The thinking behind this decision was that I wanted teachers to be able to have the reflection questions in the printed book viewable while they explored resources, and for teachers to be able to jot down notes as they examined the articles and videos.

To create this type of booklet you just have to change the page set-up of your slide deck-like this:

Jun 10, 2017 12:35 PM.webm

My example was for teachers, but this same use of slides could be applied to creating a parent or student handbook. Imagine the paper you would save by sharing your school's student or parent handbook in a digital format! These Slide Docs can be printed or downloaded as a PDF.

I've also used this strategy to create a yearbook for my class. I made the slide deck and inserted images from my drive, then shared it with the class through Google classroom as "students can edit" and they wrote up captions to go with the pictures. If you take pictures throughout the year, why not save them to a folder in your drive (I call my folder Yearbook) and share that folder with students? Then you can save yourself even more time by allowing students to choose and insert photos in the shared Yearbook slide deck.

Students can also create their own books and if they read each page, recording with screencastify, they can have their own audio-book.

Create Audio Books

Now that you can create a book in Google slides, why not make it an audio book?

First, create a book in a slide deck. I just copied and pasted some text from a blog post that I wrote to use as a sample:

Mindful Eating

Record yourself reading your book using Screencastify. Watch the video below to see how I did this step:

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Insert the video of you reading your book and set it up to auto-play when presenting. Then hide the video on the page.

Note: Although you can insert videos directly from google drive into a slide now, you can't make drive videos auto-play. You will need to upload your screen cast to YouTube first. Watch the video below to see this step being completed.

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I'm thinking that this would be a great way to get students to practice their oral reading fluency!

Project Gutenburg is a great source of free eBooks. You could choose a text from this site and have students turn it into an audio book.

You could have a class slide deck in which everyone contributes their favorite poem to a slide with a reading of their poem included.

Your class could "adopt" a reading buddy class at an elementary school and create audio books for their reading buddies.

EdTech Team has created an add-on for Google Slides that makes adding audio files to Slides easier. If you are creating a story in Google Docs Story Speaker is another great tool for creating an audiobook.