Welcome to the TLL Quickstart Tutorial! 

Look around here if you have any questions on how things work in TLL! (This is a work in progress)

Items, Baby Food & Crafting

MSM TLL uses a baby food system alike to Dawn of Fire, where items can be crafted.

 In TLL, items spawn across various islands (like Crystals in DoF), and can be combined in the CRAFTER structure (unlocked in the second Floating City expansion). You can then mash these crafted items (or their raw materials) in the Masher structure to create Baby Food! Raw uncrafted items only make one baby food each, so you'd best get crafting!

Items can also be used to unlock item expansions, and carve out Dreamythical rocks. 

Floating City

 The floating city is where all your baby monsters can be found. Breed up the monsters (including new baby magicals) and send them to the outer islands! They remain under the constant care of the ever stunning Celestials, who sing a special song. Use the Stargazer on Floating City (unlocked after second upgrade) to find the Celestials and Supercelestials in the stars and call them down to the surface. 

Outer Islands

Monsters can be sent from the Floating City to a variety of islands, where they will grow up. To transport a monster, send it to the Zepplin after levelling it up to whatever level the destination island's map icon lists. Then you'll be able to send the Zepplin to that island, which will take a moment. Returning the Zepplin to the Floating City is instant.

The following Islands are teleportable.

Please note that some of these islands will not appear in your map until you are close to reaching their unlock level.
As well, some of these islands (Namely Terra of Organs and Evergreen Marsh) have additional breeding for even more new monsters.

Special Islands

Certain islands work differently, and do not require teleportation. 

The following Islands are special.

These islands all have unique mechanics and special casts of monsters. M'Duzza's Crypt is unfinished at this time and its mechanic is not ingame yet. 

Getting XP and Diamonds

Both obtaining XP and Diamonds are key parts to any MSM game. TLL has multiple ways to do both of these things.

Ways of obtaining Diamonds

Ways of obtaining XP

These islands all have unique mechanics and special casts of monsters. M'Duzza's Crypt is unfinished at this time and its mechanic is not ingame yet. 

Unfinished Content

There is a significant amount of unfinished content in MSM TLL. This includes unfinished bios, Islands not having full casts, Islands missing finished backgrounds, and more. Certain monsters on unfinished islands will cost random items, such as Vortexes and Jewels. 


Certain monsters on the Floating City seem to be able to take the skyship instantly to a strange place best described as some sort of strange dream. Once your monsters get sent there, you best keep an eye on them, as if you dare look away, dare pan away... strange things happen.