Devlog February 23 2024

A few months ago, we had to take down TLL due to it breaching copyright held by Big Blue Bubble. We're working to bring the game back, and we have tons of new redesigns to replace BBB monsters with! Some of these can even be found teased across the MSM community..... (if you know where to look).  

- Azu

Devlog November 18 2023 (0.9)

We've updated to version 0.9! This version includes new Candy Island paths, A "Call Zepplin to Current Island" feature, and various bugfixes! Enjoy :)

Devlog November 17 2023 (0.8)

Version 0.8 brings more bug fixes, new items on islands, and introduces the spectacular Gamma Water island monster, JASTANAW!

Happy Monstering!

Devlog November 14 2023 (0.7)

We've updated from version 0.1 to version 0.7! How exciting! This version brings numerous bugfixes, a new credits screen, and unlocks the Stargazer (once you unlock the third Floating City Upgrade)! Happy Monstering :)

Devlog November 13 2023 (0.1)

Surprise! Happy TLL Day! - Azu and Raw and the Team

Devlog June 7 2023

At the time of writing, development on TLL has stopped, as Raw Zebra and the team have all gotten tired of TLL and are doing other things. Therefore any and all release promises are voided, and we'll update you if anything does change. Thank you for understanding. - Azu

Devlog May 8 2023

Hey Guys! Just a dev update! TLL has slowed down a bit but we have a ton of awesome features planned! Looking forwards to hopefully releasing this year! - Azu