Online Lessons

Lesson 1: Intro to Portraiture: Exploring Value and Tone

2/22 - 2/26

^ Prior to watching the demos, please view slides 5-13. You can pause the video when you need to.

Year 4 Portrait Flash cards

You can also view all of the vocab terms pertaining to this lesson above.

Making an Achromatic Value Scale

A black and white value scale is called Achromatic. (“A” prefix meaning “without” + “chroma” meaning “color”.) In this video, you will learn how to control your pencil pressure to create a value gradient. Remember that the higher the number on your pencil (2B, 4B, 6B, 8B), the darker and softer your lead is.


You will need: A #2 pencil, or a set of graphite pencils (2B, 4B, 6B, 8B)


You will need: 1 colored pencil (avoid colors like yellow and orange) and 1 white pencil.

Making a Monochromatic Value Scale

A value scale of a single color is called Monochromatic. (“Mono” prefix meaning “one” + “chroma” meaning “color”.) In this video, you will learn how to control your colored pencil pressure to create a color value gradient. You will also use a white pencil to "burnish" or blend out your pencil strokes.

After you have watched the slides, reviewed the vocab, and created the 2 value scales, take the Kahoot Quiz (linked below) to test your knowledge on the vocabulary for this lesson.

*Note: This lesson is geared for grades 8 and up.