August 2 (Wednesday)
Leonardo Mihalcea
Eric Rains
Polynomial invariants of elliptic reflection groups
Poster session
Free Discussion
List of Poster Presentations
Seamus Albion (University of Vienna)
Elliptic Selberg Integrals
Jelena Anic (Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich)
Restricted Elliptic Quantum Groups for Classical Simple Lie Algebras
Yumi Arai (Ochanomizu University)
q-Deformation of middle convolution and its application to q-difference equations
Farrokh Atai (University of Leeds)
Solutions of the van Diejen model given by multivariate elliptic hypergeometric integrals
Bjorn Berntson (Riverlane Research)
New integrable systems related to elliptic Calogero-Moser models
Tommaso Botta (Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich)
Bow varieties, stable envelopes and 3d mirror symmetry
Wenda Fang (Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University)
A new scheme of integrability via vertex algebra
Allan Gerrard (Ochanomizu University)
Fundamentals of the nested algebraic Bethe ansatz
Rob Klabbers (Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin)
The q-deformed Inozemtsev spin chain
Jules Lamers (Institut de Physique Theorique)
The elliptic dynamical spin-Ruijsenaars model
Norton Lee (Institute for Basic Science, Center for Geometry and Physics)
Dimer model, qq-character, and fractional T-Q equation
Yongchao Lu (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
D-type minimal conformal matter and elliptic Garnier system
Kenta Miyahara (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis)
Connection formulae for the radial Toda equations
Nobutaka Nakazono (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Hierarchy of q-difference systems including the A_4- and A_6-surface type q-Painleve equations
Takahiko Nobukawa (Kobe University)
The variant of the q-hypergeometric equation : a q-analog of Riemann-Papperitz system
Genki Shibukawa (Kobe University)
Ruijsenaars-type identities and their applications