The 16th MSJ-SI:
Elliptic Integrable Systems, Representation Theory
and Hypergeometric Functions
Recently, a lot of interesting correspondences have been clarified among the objects in mathematical physics such as supersymmetric gauge theories, quantum integrable systems, representations of quantum groups, monodromy preserving deformations, cohomology and quantum cohomology of quiver varieties. Clarifying the mathematical structure common to these objects and how that structure is realized in each object is one of the important problems in mathematics.
It is also remarkable that in common with these objects, there is a hierarchy in which theories are formulated using elliptic functions, trigonometric functions, and rational functions. Formally, the lower layer can be regarded as a certain degenerate limit of the upper layer, but in general there are some difficulties in formulating each object for each layer, and it is quite non-trivial whether the relationship clarified in the lower layer also exists in the upper. In particular, there are many untouched problems in the elliptic cases, which are at the top of the hierarchy.
The 16th Mathematical Society of Japan Seasonal Institute aims at deepening the understanding and research of the above subjects especially in the elliptic cases, bringing together researchers from around the world who have diverse backgrounds in integrable systems, representation theory and mathematical physics. The MSJ-SI would also aim at promoting young researchers, by inviting them to participate in the event, and giving them chances to present their work in poster sessions.
Border measures to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19):
Registration (Closed)
Financial Support (Closed)
If you have questions, please send e-mail to: msjsi2023contact (atmark)
Vitaly Tarasov (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis):
(gl_k, gl_n) duality for Gaudin models
Leonardo Mihalcea (Virginia Tech University):
Quantum K theory of flag manifolds
Andrey Smirnov (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill):
Enumerative geometry of quiver varieties
Workshop Speakers
Oleg Chalykh (University of Leeds):Complex crystallographic Calogero—Moser systems as Seiberg—Witten integrable systems
Tatsuyuki Hikita (Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University):Non-toric examples of elliptic canonical bases
Masahiko Ito (University of the Ryukyus):Commuting difference operators and Pieri Formulas for F_4 type Macdonald polynomials
Rinat Kedem (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign):Koornwinder theory and quantum cluster integrable systems
Taro Kimura (University of Bourgogne):Engineering W-algebras from gauge origami
Anatol Kirillov (Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications):Quadratic algebras: Elliptic case
Peter Koroteev (University of California Berkeley):Quantum Geometry, Integrability & Opers
Edwin Langmann (KTH Royal Institute of Technology):Solitons, quantum fields and elliptic Calogero-Moser-Ruijsenaars systems
Leonardo Mihalcea (Virginia Tech University) :Positivity in the quantum K theory of Grassmannians
Hiraku Nakajima (Kavli IPMU, the University of Tokyo):Coulomb branches and DAHA
Andrei Negut (Massachusetts Institute of Technology):Stable envelopes and quantum loop groups
Eric Rains (California Institute of Technology):Polynomial invariants of elliptic reflection groups
Richard Rimanyi (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill):3d mirror symmetry for stable envelopes via geometric fusion
Hjalmar Rosengren (Chalmers University of Technology):Elliptic hypergeometric integrals and Q-operators for the Ruijsenaars model
Michael Schlosser (University of Vienna):An elliptic extension of the multinomial theorem
Shamil Shakirov (IITP, Moscow):An elliptic generalization of A_1 spherical DAHA at K=2
Andrey Smirnov (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill):K-theoretic limits of elliptic stable envelope
Vyacheslav Spiridonov (JINR, Dubna and NRU HSE, Moscow):Some new limiting forms of the elliptic hypergeometric functions
Vitaly Tarasov (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis) :Monodromy of the equivariant quantum differential equation of the cotangent bundle of a Grassmannian
Ole Warnaar (University of Queensland):An A_n elliptic Selberg integral
Yasuhiko Yamada (Kobe University):Quantum q-P_VI, q-KZ equation, and q-AGT relation
Yutaka Yoshida (Meiji Gakuin University):3d Seiberg-like duality, Kajihara transformation and K-theoretic I-functions
Hosted by
The Mathematical Society of Japan,
the University of Tokyo,
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Supported by
JSPS KAKENHI Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
(Grant numbers 19K03512, 20K03507, 20K14330, 22K03368, 21K03180, 21K03176)
Organizing Committee:
Hitoshi Konno (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)
Masatoshi Noumi (Rikkyo University)
Jun'ichi Shiraishi (the University of Tokyo)
Kouichi Takemura (Ochanomizu University)
Kohei Motegi (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)
Contact: msjsi2023contact (atmark)