Second Southampton Winter Workshop in Economic Theory

Date and time

Monday, January 20, 2014, 12:00-18:00.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014, 09:00-15:30.



Antonio Cabrales, University College London

David Cooper, Florida State University and University of East Anglia

Ernan Haruvy, University of Texas-Dallas

Christos Ioannou, University of Southampton


Piero Gottardi, European University Institute

Joe Halpern, Cornell University

Philippe Jehiel, Paris School of Economics

Ian Kash, Microsoft Research

Muhamet Yildiz, MIT


Click here for the detailed programme. Download the programme in pdf format, for the first and second day. Download the list of participants here.

Past workshops

For a list of past workshops, click here. A list of past speakers is here.


The Workshop is held on the Highfield Campus of the University of Southampton (SO17 1BJ, University Road, Southampton). Directions to the Highfield Campus are here. The campus map (in pdf) is here.

The Workshop dinner will take place at 19:30, on Monday January 20, at Ceno Bar & Restaurant, 119 Highfield Lane, Southampton, SO17 1AQ.

The restaurant and the hotel are about 1km from the Campus. Walking directions are here.

Click here for a summary of the location information in pdf format.


If you want to stay overnight, we recommend Highfield House, 119 Highfield Lane, Southampton, SO17 1AQ, which is within walking distance to the University and to where the Workshop dinner will take place.


Organisers: Spyros Galanis, Max Kwiek, Miltos Makris

Co-organisers: Christos Ioannou (1st day), Maria Polukarov (2nd day)

We are grateful for the financial support from the faculty of Social and Human Sciences and the faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering of the University of Southampton. This workshop is organised in cooperation with COST Action IC1205 on Computational Social Choice. We also wish to thank the Royal Economic Society for its generous support.

Encouraging the study of economic science.