Pre-Departure Prep Work


To prepare for student teaching abroad, there has been a lot of prep work involved! I have spent time studying the culture, school system, and how to deal with cultural shock to prepare for my trip to Barcelona, Spain. The first thing I found interesting is that there are three main languages spoken in Barcelona; Spanish, Catalan, and English. The name of the school I'm student teaching at is called Colegio Real Monasterio de Santa Isabel. St. Isabel's mission statement is to train children and young people in full, covering all stages of schooling, from kindergarten (1-2 years) to high school. The goal of St. Isabel is to cover all dimensions of the person. They work with students in the following areas; academic, human, spiritual and sports, within a climate of closeness, freedom and responsibility, and from a Christian vision of man.

Cultural shock is something most people experience while studying abroad. It may occur in four stages; honeymoon, frustration, adjustment, and acceptance. Cultural shock is more than not being familiar with the social norms or experiencing new foods--and everyone experiences it differently. It is something everyone needs to prepare for after deciding to travel abroad.

Here is an aerial view of my school!