
Parents & Students:

  • ClassDojo is an application that allows teachers to communicate with parents and students in a safe, appropriate manner. With ClassDojo, teachers are able to notify parents of behavior issues or academic problems. If students have questions, they are able to contact Ms. Daly through the app.

If you would like, you may sign up for free through this link: ClassDojo Sign Up Link

  • GoNoodle is a website we will be using in class. Parents are more than welcome and encouraged to use it at home! GoNoodle is a fun, interactive, engaging site that boosts productivity, improves behavior, and builds a community.

Sign up for free today at GoNoodle!

  • Remind is another application that can be used to safely communicate with parents and students. I will be sending out reminders throughout the year, so it would benefit you as the parent or the student to sign up. I will not be sending reminders every day. Reminders will be in regards to field trip information, project due dates, severe weather procedures, etc.

To sign up, either visit the website with this link: Remind.

Or, text DALY3RD to 87870 with your mobile phone.

Building Readers - Reading Extras

The linked text above discusses how school success begins at home. It gives helpful tips about how to make reading exciting and ways to boost reading comprehension.

Here is a short informational presentation I did on Educational Pinboards. Hope it is helpful!

This school year, we will briefly cover some tips regarding digital citizenship and safety. Here are a few tips for you laid out on a Piktochart.

Please visit Limestone County's district website. Here you can view district news, top events, superintendent information, procedures, all schools in the district, and so much more.

"Focused on Quality: Committed to Excellence" -Limestone County Schools