Class 4

Class 4 Video and Slide Show

Spring 2024 JDH Session 4.pdf

Class 4 Link Fest

Assignments for Class 4

1) Watch the TedXBoston talk by Dr. Jonathan Foley who is the Director of Project Drawdown. This will give you a good introduction to and overview of Project Drawdown.

2) From the Project Drawdown homepage, scroll down to where you see "Drawdown Insights." Choose one of the three most recent ones to read: "Introducing Drawdown Food..." (April 19 News); "International Climate Aid..." (April 11 Perspective), or "What is the global solutions diary?" (April 10 Perspective). You can certainly read two or all three of them if you like; they're pretty brief.

3) Read the attached essay by Kathleen Dean Moore,"Get Mad--A short treatise in defense of outrage"

Take Heart: Encouragement for Earth’s Weary Lovers (pp. 49-52) .pdf

Class 2 Video & Slides

Suggested Reading:

Kathleen Dean Moore,  Great Tide Rising: Towards Clarity and Moral Courage in a Time of Planetary Change

ISBN: 978-1619029064.