Skills & Services


Image Processing Software:

Computer Programming:

Lab Facilities:

Satellite/Aircraft Sensors:

Other Software:

Field work:



Leadership and Education:



Academic Advising & Mentoring:   

Teaching Assistant

2023 - Tian Jiayi at LNU-MSU College of International Business, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian, Liaoning, China. 

Research Assistant

2023 - Anara Zajnab at University of Central Asia, Tajikistan.

- Kamal Ud Din at University of Central Asia, Tajikistan.

- Anisa Zarjumieva at University of Central Asia, Tajikistan.



2024 -Alima Shomamadova BS at University of Central Asia, Tajikistan. (Role: Main Advisor)

-Javohir Mirmastov BS at University of Central Asia, Tajikistan. (Role: Main Advisor)

-Anushervon Jumakhonov BS at University of Central Asia, Tajikistan. (Role: Main Advisor)

-Shamima Alinazarova BS at University of Central Asia, Tajikistan. (Role: Co Advisor)

2023 -Zaynura Kaykovusova BS at University of Central Asia, Tajikistan. (Role: Main Advisor)

-Tazarf Sharibova BS at University of Central Asia, Tajikistan. (Role: Main Advisor)

-Suhaylo Gharibova BS at University of Central Asia, Tajikistan. (Role: Main Advisor)

-Ahmad Gulbekov BS at University of Central Asia, Tajikistan. (Role: Co-Advisor)

-Rudoba Imronshoeva BS at University of Central Asia, Tajikistan. (Role: Main Advisor)

-Mavluda Chinieva BS at University of Central Asia, Tajikistan. (Role: Co-Advisor) 

2022 - Fariya Baig BS at University of Central Asia, Tajikistan. (Role: Main Advisor)

2020 - Sourabh Masih MS at Samara National Research University, Russia. (Role: Main Advisor)

2019 - Ahmed Saber MS at Samara National Research University, Russia. (Role: Main Advisor)

2016 - Thomas Walsh MS at American Sentinel University Colorado. USA. (Role: Main Advisor)

- Holly Richards MS at American Sentinel University Colorado. USA. (Role: Main Advisor)

- Hannah Fortney MS at American Sentinel University Colorado. USA. (Role: Main Advisor)

2015 - Roger Bickel BS at American Sentinel University Colorado. USA. (Role: Main Advisor)

- Dennis Jones BS at American Sentinel University Colorado, USA. (Role: Main Advisor)

2014 - Justyna Pastwa (Poland) PhD at Palacky University, Czech Republic. (Role: Committee Member)

2013 - Veronika Nevtipilov BS at Palacky University, Czech Republic. (Role: Committee Member)

2011 - Poliana Linhares MS at Federal University-RN (UFRN), Brazil. (Role: Committee Member)

2005-06 -15 MS students of Department of Remote Sensing and Geo-informatics, M.D.S. University Ajmer, Rajasthan, India. (Role: Main Advisor)


University Services:

UCA University:

Research Committee (CCSMA Cluster) member 2023

Appeal Committee member 2023

Program Review and Exam Committee Fall 2022

Program Review and syllabus Committee Fall 2022, Spring 2023

JECRC University:

Cluster Search EPS Committee Spring 2013

Program Review and Exam Committee Fall 2012, Spring 2013

Program Review and syllabus Committee Fall 2012, Spring 2013

MDS University:

Graduate Admissions and Recruiting Committee 2005–2006

Colloquium Committee Fall 2006

Computer Facilities & Users Committee 2005-2006

Roll-out of New Departmental Name Ad Hoc Committee 2006

Program Review and syllabus Committee Fall 2005

Editor in Scientific Journals (n = 13):

Cogent Environmental Science (Taylor & Feancis),

Remote Sensing (MDPI Journal),

Atmosphere (MDPI Journal),

Journal of Remote Sensing and GIS (ISSN: 2469-4134),

Journal of Ecosystem and Ecography (ISSN: 2157-7625),

Journal of Earth Science and Climate Change (ISSN: 2157-7617),

Journal of Climatology and Weather Forecasting (ISSN: 2332-2594),

Journal of Geology and Geophysics (ISSN: 2381-8719),

Asian review of Environmental and Earth Sciences (ISSN: 2313-8173),

Journal of Geology & Geoscience (Longdom Publishing),

Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology (ISSN: 2576-8484),

Journal of Agriculture and Forest Meteorology Research (ISSN: 2642-0449),

Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection (ISSN: 2327-4344),

Agriculture (Forteopen Journals)

Reviewer in Scientific Journals (n = 35): 

Remote Sensing (WOS)

ISPRS International Journal of Geo-information (WOS)

The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (WOS)

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (WOS)

Applied Sciences (WOS)

Atmosphere (WOS)

Annals of Agricultural Sciences (WOS)

HydroResearch (ELSEVIER / Scopus)

International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (ELSEVIER) 

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (WOS)

Journal of Mountain Science (WOS)

Science of the Total Environment (WOS)

Advance in Science, Technology and Engineering (ISSN: 2415-6698),

Global Ecology and Conservation (WOS)

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (WOS)

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (WOS)

Resources, Conservation and Recycling (WOS)

Computer Optics (WOS)

Sensors (WOS)

Journal of African Earth Sciences (ELSEVIER / Scopus) 

Engineering Reports (WILEY)

SoftwareX (WOS)

Advance in Space Research (ELSEVIER / Scopus) 

Groundwater for sustainable development (WOS) 

Journal of Hydrology (ELSEVIER / Scopus)

Geoscience Frontiers (WILEY)

Sustainable Energy Technology and Assessments (WOS)

Geocarto International (WOS)

Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment (ELSEVIER)

Ecological  Engineering (ELSEVIER) 

Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (ELSEVIER / Scopus)

Journal of Environment Radioactivity (ELSEVIER / Scopus)

Journal of Environmental Management (ELSEVIER / Scopus) 

Conference Organizing Committee Member: I am a member of some publishing groups such as OMICs, ICFSP, ICGIP, ICACSE, and SAI Conferences. So, every year since 2012, I've been an active organizing committee member for a number of international Earth and space science conferences, and I've been a renowned speaker at some of them.

Professional Membership: Life member of the Indian Remote Sensing Society (ISRS), and Indian Society of Geomatics (ISG). 

Press News: News published related to my research and teaching in news channels and newspapers since 2012.

Country Visited: India, Belgium, Turkey, Brazil, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Italy, Indonesia, USA, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, UK, Russia, Japan, China, Bulgaria, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Denmark, etc.