Birthday Book Club

Birthday Book Club

Birthday Book Club is a unique way to honor your child’s birthday, while at the same time helping ROE diversify and update its library shelves. Birthday Book Club members are invited to a celebration in the library during their birth month. At the celebration, students will have the opportunity to choose a book from a collection of newly released hardcovers. A bookplate with the child’s name and age will be placed in the front of the book, and they will have the honor of being the first to check it out. A photo of each child and their selected book will be added to our Birthday Book Club wall.

If you would like to participate, please use the link below to complete the online form and submit your $20 donation, which covers the cost of a library bound book. All remaining proceeds will be used to purchase additional books for our library.

A reminder email and invitation will be sent to donors prior to the celebration. This is a gift that keeps on giving to all who use the ROE library!