Ms. A's US History Class

​Twitter: @MsAlarconBHS

*Please scroll down for links for Syllabus*

Remind 101 Codes

APUSH: Text @f87db2d

K Level: text @a2d4h4

Regular Bell Schedule:

Period 1:

Period 2:

Period 3:

Period 4:

Period 5


Period 6:

Period 7:

My Schedule

1st: APUSH

2nd: APUSH


4th Period: APUSH

5th: K LEVEL

6th: APUSH

7th: APUSH

Tutoring available Tuesdays & Thursdays. Online & In Person


n noun

  1. The study of past events, particularly in human affairs.

What should I expect?

Study the cultural, economic, political, and social developments that have shaped the United States from c. 1491 to the present. You’ll analyze texts, visual sources, and other historical evidence and write essays expressing historical arguments.

Skills You'll Learn

  • Evaluating primary and secondary sources

  • Analyzing the claims, evidence, and reasoning you find in sources

  • Putting historical developments in context and making connections between them

  • Coming up with a claim or thesis and explaining and supporting it in writing

It is important for all students to understand the concept of interdependence and the role countries,

political leaders, and citizens take when making decisions that affect their communities, regions, and the world.

"Travel...the best way to be lost...and found...all at the same time." - Brenna Smith

Click "Knowledge is POWER" for link to APUSH Syllabus

Click "Team AWESOME" for link to US History K Syllabus