
In this is page you will be able to find documents that are helpful resources to Physical Education. These resources can be used for personal benefit and for class assignments.

Exercise Booklet
Sun Salutations

Heart Rate

Heart rate is how fast your heart pumps blood throughout your body per unit of time, usually in beats per minute. It is important that we know our resting heart rate(heart rate at rest), maximum heart rate( how fast our heart can beat safely), and our target heart rate( how fast our heart should beat while exercising) . We need to track our resting heart rate, maximum heart rate and target heart rate to determine how to get the most out of our exercises.

Resting Heart Rate

The most accurate way to track your resting heart rate(RHR) is to take your pulse when you first wake up in the morning.

Find a clock near you that counts seconds. Find your pulse either on your wrist or on your neck (Below the jaw line). Count the number of beats for 6 seconds. Multiply the beats by 10 (because there is 60 seconds in a minute) to get beats per minute.

Beats for 6 seconds x10 = RHR

Example: 10 beats in 6 seconds x 10= 60 bpm

Maximum Heart Rate

Maximum Heart rate is really easy to figure out. To figure out maximum heart rate(MHR) you need to subtract 220-your age.

Example: my age is 28. My MHR is 220- 28 = 192 bpm

Target Heart Rate

Target Heart Rate is the range of how fast your heart should beat while performing an exercise. Our target heart rate range is between 65% of our maximum heart rate and 85% of our maximum heart rate. Target Heart Rate is important because it gives our heart and lungs the most benefit from the workout.

To figure out your target heart rate(THR) you need to know your max heart rate(MHR).

THR= MHR x intensity (65% or 85%)

Example: MHR= 192 bpm

65% intensity=192 x .65 85% intensity=192 x .85

125 bpm 163 bpm