Unit 2: Linear Equations and Inequalities

Solving Linear Equations:

  • Practice Problems: Pg. 23 #2-16, 25
  • Khan Academy: I would complete the entire section titled "Linear Equations with Variables on Both Sides." This has great explanations and examples.

Solving and Graphing Inequalities:

  • Practice Problems: Pg. 77 #1, 3-17, 19, 26
  • Khan Academy: If you need to take it back to the basics, this section starts with single step equations and moves into multi-step equations.

Creating Equations:

  • Practice Problems: I would redo the problems we did in class and compare my solutions to make sure that I am doing them correctly.
  • YouTube: Here is an explanation of converting words into mathematical terms.

Rewriting Equations

  • Practice Problems: Pg. 40 #3-22
  • Khan Academy: I have included a video of how to solve for different variables. I would watch all three videos then complete the practice in the sequence titled "Manipulating Formulas." Some of these are much more difficult than what we have seen in class, but there are several problems that are the same if not very similar to what we will be doing.