Parent Information

To all of my parents, regardless of which class your child has from me, I welcome you to join Google Classroom. Please fill out this google form so that you may have full access to all of your child's assignments and announcements.

To all of my parents, regardless of which class your child has from me, I welcome you to contact me at anytime, for any reason. Please fill out this google form so that I may get back to you at my earliest convenience, which will be as soon as possible.

The Patient Care Technician Certification Exam is scheduled for the week of April 19-23, 2021. Please visit the following link to get more information about studying for the exam.

The Phlebotomist Certification Exam is cancelled for the first semester of this school year due to COVID -19. Please visit the following link to get more information about taking the Exam if we continue to offer it in the Spring Semester.