A Project Object Model or POM is the fundamental unit of work in Maven. It is an XML file that contains information about the project and configuration details used by Maven to build the project. It contains default values for most projects. Examples for this is the build directory, which is target; the source directory, which is src/main/java; the test source directory, which is src/test/java; and so on. When executing a task or goal, Maven looks for the POM in the current directory. It reads the POM, gets the needed configuration information, then executes the goal.

Some of the configuration that can be specified in the POM are the project dependencies, the plugins or goals that can be executed, the build profiles, and so on. Other information such as the project version, description, developers, mailing lists and such can also be specified.

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A POM requires that its groupId, artifactId, and version be configured. These three values form the project's fully qualified artifact name. This is in the form of ::. As for the example above, its fully qualified artifact name is "com.mycompany.app:my-app:1".

Also, as mentioned in the first section, if the configuration details are not specified, Maven will use their defaults. One of these default values is the packaging type. Every Maven project has a packaging type. If it is not specified in the POM, then the default value "jar" would be used.

Furthermore, you can see that in the minimal POM the repositories were not specified. If you build your project using the minimal POM, it would inherit the repositories configuration in the Super POM. Therefore when Maven sees the dependencies in the minimal POM, it would know that these dependencies will be downloaded from which was specified in the Super POM.

However, that would work if the parent project was already installed in our local repository or was in that specific directory structure (parent pom.xml is one directory higher than that of the module's pom.xml).

Project Aggregation is similar to Project Inheritance. But instead of specifying the parent POM from the module, it specifies the modules from the parent POM. By doing so, the parent project now knows its modules, and if a Maven command is invoked against the parent project, that Maven command will then be executed to the parent's modules as well. To do Project Aggregation, you must do the following:

Now, whenever a Maven command processes com.mycompany.app:my-app:1, that same Maven command would be ran against com.mycompany.app:my-module:1 as well. Furthermore, some commands (goals specifically) handle project aggregation differently.

If you have several Maven projects, and they all have similar configurations, you can refactor your projects by pulling out those similar configurations and making a parent project. Thus, all you have to do is to let your Maven projects inherit that parent project, and those configurations would then be applied to all of them.

And if you have a group of projects that are built or processed together, you can create a parent project and have that parent project declare those projects as its modules. By doing so, you'd only have to build the parent and the rest will follow.

But of course, you can have both Project Inheritance and Project Aggregation. Meaning, you can have your modules specify a parent project, and at the same time, have that parent project specify those Maven projects as its modules. You'd just have to apply all three rules:

One factor to note is that these variables are processed after inheritance as outlined above. This means that if a parent project uses a variable, then its definition in the child, not the parent, will be the one eventually used.

Any field of the model that is a single value element can be referenced as a variable. For example, ${project.groupId}, ${project.version}, ${project.build.sourceDirectory} and so on. Refer to the POM reference to see a full list of properties.

These variables are all referenced by the prefix "project.". You may also see references with pom. as the prefix, or the prefix omitted entirely - these forms are now deprecated and should not be used.

My goal is to label the release build analyses with the respective version using the sonar.projectVersion property so i can follow the versions in the project history to check how e.g. the number of issues developed over time from one version to the other.

Currently this is not possible as the versions are treated as branch-specific by SonarQube so i can only see the versions from analyses of the currently selected branch, e.g. master. As our release build analyses are made directly from the respective release branches i can only see the respective release version when i select the release branch, but not a trend over all versions of the project.

I hope this makes it clearer, otherwise i can add some screenshots if needed.

I have got the site uploaded and using SQL Server Management Studio used the Migrate to SQL Azure task for the database. However once complete I receive message from kentico indicating "The database version '' does not match the project version '7.0', please check your connection string. "

When you have a finished project it is always a good idea to archive it.

When you archive a project, think about what kind of data yo want in your archive / backup.

I would start with a text file with dates and changes to keep track of different revisions.

If the Gerbers have been used to manufacture a PCB I would also archive them, or else they can easily be reconstructed when needed.

I would always add an SVG or PDF of the schematic.

I have some old projects from the DOS age without software to open or view the schematics. If you want to share a schematic (or whole project) on for example gitlab then for others a pdf is easier to get a quick overview of the schematic than the KiCad schematic file. Not everybody has KiCad installed.

There have been problems in the past with old schematics and changing library symbols (Always archive the Project-cache.lib file with your project!), and a pdf of the schematic is an easy reminder of what damaged parts should look like.

I am slowly starting to get my head around github so this was perhaps the easier of the suggested options however Paul suggestion made a bunch of sense given you are backing your projects up off site. As I said I need to spend more time researching the whole github scene.

I have been trying to use git for version control on an Ignition perspective project, and I have ran into some issues. I am running a gateway at my work station, so that I can make changes to my project and test them locally before integrating the changes into production.

I initialized a git repo in my projects folder, created a development branch, then created another branch to work on refactoring a few of the scripts on one of the views in my project. After refactoring the code and making several commits, I tried to checkout my development branch:

Background: I am working on a port of srcdeps [1] to Gradle. Srcdeps is a tool that brings source dependencies to Java projects. This is how it works in Maven:

The GAV requests to the local Maven repository are intercepted by srcdeps. If the requested version ends with -SRC-revision-1234abcd (where 1234abcd is a sha1 of a git commit) and such a version is not available in the local Maven repo, then the commit is checked out to some local directory, mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${myVersion} is run followed by mvn install and the freshly built artifact is returned to the dependent build.

Now, I am looking for a way to reach something similar with Gradle. Say, that the dependency project is a Gradle project, and I want to be able to build any random commit of it so that the resulting artifacts have the version that the dependent project is requesting. And it is important to note, that in an ideal case, I know nothing about how the *.gradle files of the depedency project are organized.

(2) Although the location where the version is stored, is only one, it is not the case that the location is the same for all possible Gradle projects.

Moreover, the variety of the possible locations is twofold: (i) the version can live in various files (build.gradle, settings.gradle, others?) and (ii) because those files are scripts rather than any rigidly structured data files, the version can be set nearly anywhere in their syntax tree.

If there is no conventional way to set the version of any random Gradle project, including such ones, that are out of my control, I am going to try to reach this by using byteman. In between, I was able to put some PoC together. It works for simple cases and I need to figure out where are its limits.

You then have access to the Settings instance. From there you can access the Gradle instance. You could likely set the version of all projects via a projectsLoaded listener without touching the build.gradle

I manage my roadmap in Asana with multiple team members having access to adjust priorities. It would be great to have version control and track changes in a single location. And have the ability to open old versions of a project and restore if necessary.

I need to know, how can I retrieve the old version of Projects, tasks and forms.

The challenge faced is that a user changes / deletes a field in a form or a task in a project and I am not able to roll back to previous version or see who made the changes.

Hi! To always have access to critical project data, consider using a third-party data protection solution such as FluentPro Backup, developed by the company I represent. This cloud platform provides automated Asana backup and restore features. The backup process runs in the background, saving tasks and project versions whenever changes are made. In case of losing or corrupting data, you can quickly restore it from a previously created backup version.

Is it possible that a version is created in Project B, when a new version is created in Project A. The version should have the same name, etc in both projects. I'm using two classic projects and have not found the appropriate actions in the Automator. 0852c4b9a8

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