Week 3

This week we are going to learn about instrument families.

Adjectives 1 Song.mp4

Step 1: how to describe something using adjectives.

An adjective is a word that describes an animal, person, thing, or thought.

Step 2: What are the different instrument families?

Twinkle Trails Episode 14 - Musical Instruments (Musical version).mp4

Peter and the Wolf - Peter theme.mp4

Step 3: Listen to Peter's theme and describe what he might be like according to what you hear.

Does Peter sound happy, sad, bright, dark, lazy, energetic, scared, playful? What do you think? Which instrument family plays his theme? Brass, woodwind, percussion, or strings?

Step 4: Listen to the other Characters, what describing words would you use?

Peter and the Wolf - duck theme.mp4


Which instrument family is playing the theme? Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, Strings?

Peter and the Wolf - cat theme.mp4


Which instrument family is playing the theme? Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, Strings?

Peter and the Wolf - bird theme.mp4


Which instrument family is playing the theme? Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, Strings?

Peter and the Wolf - wolf theme.mp4


Which instrument family is playing the theme? Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, Strings?

Step 5: Watch Peter and the Wolf!

Peter and the Wolf Movie.mp4