Weekly Newsletter

June 3-7

Good afternoon preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good weekend.

It is our very last week of school, with Friday being our last day.

Please read the entire email, as it includes information on what will be brought home each day, and some activities that will be planned for each day this week.

We will be spending lots of time outside this week, so please make sure sunscreen is packed with your child each day.

Send Home Schedule: Each day, something will be sent home with the children:

Today, we will eat the rest of the ice cream with the leftover toppings from our Ice Cream Party from last Friday. We also completed the Coke and Mentos science experiment this morning

Tomorrow (Tuesday), your child can bring a stuffed animal to school. We will be doing a stuffed animal show and tell, and another activity with the stuffed animals. 

This Wednesday we will have another picnic. Please make sure your child has a blanket or towel for Wednesday's picnic.

Thursday, we will be playing various games in the gym and outside, including obstacle course, parachute, running races, and so on.

Friday, is our graduation party, which 4th grade will be joining in on. 

I am in the process of compiling a list of low cost/free summertime activities that you may be interested in; please look for that list in an email on Wednesday.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. 

-Ms. Monkman

May 28-31

Good evening preschool parents and families, I hope everyone is doing well.

Last week was a pretty fun week; the fun will only continue into this week. Please read the entire email, as it contains information regarding the school Field Day this coming Tuesday, May 28.

Highlights of last week Week:

What's happening this week: 

Announcement and Reminders: 

ABC Countdown for this week:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns

-Ms. Monkman

May 20-23

Good afternoon preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good weekend.

This should be a fun week at school- and as a reminder, we do not have school this Friday (May 24) or next Monday (May 27).

What's Happening this Week:

Announcements and Reminders:

Alphabet Countdown for Week of May 20-23 (No ABC countdown on Thursday May 23 due to a fun day planned for the school kids)

SIGN UP GENIUS LINK for Preschool Ice Cream Party: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0E4DAAA922A3FC1-49774789-endofyear

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

Ms. Monkman

May 13-17

Good afternoon preschool parents and families. I hope everyone had a good weekend. Today we went outside and exercised- each kid led the class in an exercise move of their choice. We also went outside so we could do the "Elephant Toothpaste" experiment.

This week should be a pretty fun week at school. Each day this week, we will do a different science experiment. 


Announcements and Reminders: 

ABC Countdown for Week of May 13-17

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. 

-Ms. Monkman

May 6-10

Happy Monday, preschool parents and families! As a reminder, there is no school this Thursday, May 9th. Please read the entire email for information regarding the ABC countdown and about any remaining days off we have this year. Sleeping bags will be going home today to be cleaned; please return them at your earliest convenience.

What's Happening:

Announcements and Reminders:

ABC Countdown: Beginning this Monday, May 6th preschool, along with Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade will be participating in a ABC countdown to count down to the end of the year. Each day will highlight an activity/theme that connects with the letter for the day. Below is the ABC Countdown days for the week of May 6th-10th. Please note since we do not have school May 9th, there is no Countdown for May 9th.

Monday, May 6th: Animal Day- Bring a stuffed animal to school

Tuesday, May 7th: Book from Home Day- Bring a book from home to read silently

Wednesday, May 8th: Crazy Sock Day- Wear a pair of fun or crazy socks to school

Friday, May 10th: Drawing Day- let's have time to free draw!

Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. 

-Ms. Monkman

April 29-May 3

Good morning preschool parents and families, it is going to be a pretty hot week this week, so please make sure your child has a water bottle each day at school, and they are dressed appropriately for the weather.

Last week, we wrapped up learning the letters of the alphabet. This week, we will finish any letter writing or letter art work any of the kids missed on any days they were absent this year. We will also begin to review the alphabet, and the letter sounds.

The hot lunch ordering is open until 11:59 pm tonight. Please note that you have to order thru the end of the school year- that includes the first week of June (June 3-7)

What's Happening this Week:

Announcements and Reminders:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

-Ms. Monkman

April 22-26

Good afternoon, preschool parents and families. I hope everyone had a good weekend.

The hot lunch ordering is open if you would like to order for your child for the next month of school.

What's Happening this Week:

Announcements and Reminders:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

-Ms. Monkman

April 15-19

Good evening preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Last week was a pretty jam packed week, beginning with the Solar Eclipse, continuing with Picture Day, and included all of our projects and activities. 

We learned all about mammals and reptiles, and the children got pretty good at identifying various mammals and reptiles. This week, we will continue learning about animals, specifically about sea animals and birds.

What's Happening this Week:

Announcements and Reminders:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. 

-Ms. Monkman

April 8-12

Happy Monday, preschool parents and families!

Today is the day of the solar eclipse. We will be talking about the solar eclipse at the end of the day before they are dismissed to go home; in addition, each child will be wearing the solar eclipse glasses as they leave school. They will be assisted out the door by Ms. Sue and I because the glasses- when worn- are very black and dark. The kids will also be told to not look at the sun.

What's Happening:

Announcements and Reminders:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. 

-Ms. Monkman

April 3-5

Hello preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good Easter/Spring break.

This is a short week at school, but we will be very productive and have lots of fun.

What's Happening:

Announcements and Reminders:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

-Ms. Monkman

March 25-27

Good afternoon preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good weekend.

It is a short week at school this week. We get out of school at 11:30 am Wednesday, please make sure you have made the proper arrangements to pick your children up at that time on Wednesday.

And as a reminder, if your child will be missing school for any reason, please contact me or the office so we are aware.

What's Happening:

Announcements and Reminders:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. 

-Ms. Monkman

March 18-22

Hello preschool parents and families, I hope this email finds you well. This afternoon, our friends in kindergarten joined us to watch a show in the classroom, then we played with them outside for a bit.

This week is a pretty busy week in preschool; we are covering a lot of different topics and completing a variety of different activities and projects.

What's Happening:

Announcements and Reminders: 

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

-Ms. Monkman

March 11-15

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a good weekend.

This should be a fun and productive week at school this week. It will mostly be nice weather this week, so we'll go outside as much as we can

What's Happening:

Announcements and Reminders:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns

-Ms. Monkman

March 4-8

Hello preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good weekend.

It is a new month at school- March- and we will be introducing and add some things to the daily routine at school this month. Read the entire email to find out what is being introduced and added to the daily routine.

What's Happening:

Announcements and Reminders:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

-Ms. Monkman

February 26- March 1

Hello preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good weekend.

It should be a fun week at school; we will begin getting ready for the Leprechaun.

What's Happening:

Announcements and Reminders:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns

-Ms. Monkman

February 12-15

Hello preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good weekend.

As a reminder, we do not have school this Friday, February 16 or next Monday, February 19. We are going to have a lot of fun this week celebrating Valentine's Day. Please make sure you bring in the shoeboxes tomorrow if you haven't already so we can decorate them tomorrow. And make sure your child brings in Valentines for Wednesday so we can exchange Valentine's Wednesday.

Also, please send your child in sneakers this week and next week. We are going to try and get outside as much as possible (weather permitting), and shoes make it easier and safer for them to run around in. If they don't wear shoes in to school, pack them in their backpacks.

What's Happening:

Announcements and Reminders:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions and concerns.

Week of February 5-9

Good afternoon preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good weekend.

This is a full week at school, with lots of activities planned. Please make sure you read the entire email, especially the information at the bottom detailing our Valentine's Box decorating day, and our Valentine's Exchange day.

What's Happening:

Announcements and Reminders:

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you, 

Ms. Monkman

Week of January 29- February 2

Hello preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good weekend.

We have a fun and busy week this week, with several activities planned for Catholic Schools Weeks, along with the learning and activities we are doing in the classroom throughout the week.

What's Happening:

Announcements and Reminders:

Tuesday-Sports Dress Down- Wear a sports shirt, jersey. School wide Bingo

Wednesday- Decade Dress Down- for this day, I would like everyone to dress in bright/neon colors, similar colors they wore in the 80s. Buddy Lunch/Exchange Buddy Snacks

Thursday- Crazy 8- wear up to 8 accessories, including fun socks, headband, hat, etc.. Watch Talent Show performers

Friday- Wear normal clothes, we will be getting out at 11:30 am. Family Feud game

The images sent last week regarding your child's 4th grade buddy/buddies, and which snack to purchase and bring in for them are attached to this email

-Ms. Monkman

Week of January 22-26

Hello preschool parents and families, I hope had a good weekend, and stayed safe and warm during our extra day off last Friday due to the snow.

What's Happening this Week:

Announcements and Reminders:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

-Ms. Monkman

Week of January 17-19

Hi preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Thank you for being flexible and understanding with the school closing and 2 hour delay this week due to the weather; in the future, if there is any sort of school closing or 2 hour delay, please be sure to pay attention to any phone calls or email messages from the school.

What's Happening this Week:

Announcements and Reminders:

I hope everyone has a good rest of their week. 

-Ms. Monkman

January 8-12

Hello preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good weekend.

In preschool this week, we will begin practicing and reinforcing putting on coats and zipping coats independently. Please also practice this skill at home; many of the kids do a great job with this already. 

In your child's folder, there is a yellow envelope with their name on it. The envelope contains an emergency contact form; it is exactly the same as the one filled out at the beginning of the year. I ask that you fill out the emergency contact form, including signing the spots that are marked to be signed, and including the health insurance policy number (part of the bottom of the form). Please fill out the form, place it back in the envelope, and return it to school by Thursday of this week.

What's Happening this Week:

Announcements and Reminders:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

-Ms. Monkman

December 18-22

Hello preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good weekend. 

Today the sleeping bags will be sent home to be cleaned. We have some activities planned in the afternoon each day this week, so we will not need sleeping bags. The sleeping bags can be returned after our Christmas break.

Tomorrow, December 19th is our Cookie Decorating Party. 4th grade will be joining us. If you signed up to bring anything and haven't brought that item/items in yet, please make sure you bring them tomorrow. 

On Thursday of this week, December 21st, we will be having our Secret Santa Coloring Book Exchange. The list and instructions are attached to this email. Make sure you follow the information attached to the email and bring the coloring book/crayon pack in by Thursday. of this week.

What's Happening this Week: 

Announcements and Reminders:

Attached to this email is a picture of the kids enjoying their drinks and snacks this morning for Polar Express Day.

-Ms. Monkman

December 11-15

Hello preschool parents and families, I hope you all had a good weekend.

This Friday, December 15th is our Christmas Concert at 9:30 am. We have been practicing daily our songs and our Nativity Play.

What's Happening:

Announcements and Reminders:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions and concerns.

-Ms. Monkman

November 27- December 1

Hello preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.

This week, we will begin a new letter and learn about community helpers, along with decorating the classroom for Christmas.

What's Happening:

Announcements and Reminders:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

-Ms. Monkman

November 13-17

Hello preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Included in this email is information regarding our Thanksgiving Feast, which will take place on Tuesday, November 21st.

What's Happening:

Announcements and Reminders: 

Thanksgiving Feast:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. 

-Ms. Monkman 

Week of November 6-10

Hello preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good weekend.

This week we will be learning about letter E, and continuing with our regular classroom routines, among some other activities.

What's Happening:

Announcements and Reminders:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

-Ms. Monkman

Week of September 25-28

Good afternoon preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good weekend.

This week in preschool, we will be continuing to improve upon our school based routines, our turn taking and sharing, among other things.

Last week, the kids drew rainbows on white paper. They were hung up outside the classroom. The kids did a great job drawing their own rainbows.

What's Happening:


Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

-Ms. Monkman

Week of September 18-22

Good morning preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good weekend.

This week at school, we will be continuing to improve upon following our school routines, having our special classes (Computer, Art, and Spanish), and learning and having fun.

What's Happening this Week:


If anyone has any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out

-Ms. Monkman

Week of September 11-15

Hello preschool parents and families, I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Today is our first full week of school, and our first week of eating our lunches in the cafeteria.

This week, we start our Specials: we had Computer Class today, we will have Spanish Class on Wednesday, and on Thursday we will have Art Class.

Here is What is Happening This Week:

We are going to continue practicing our school, classroom routines including:

Announcements and Reminders:

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns

-Ms. Monkman