
ClassDojo - I will be using this as my main source of communication with parents. So, make sure and download the ClassDojo app on your phone, if possible! Also, as a parent, you will be able to view how students are doing throughout the day based on "green" dojos and "red" dojos for specific student behavior. Please let me know of a cellphone number that I can send a link to for you to sign up for your child's account.

Email: If you need an alternative route to get into contact with me, you may email me at

Phone: If you need to call, please call the school number to get in contact with me, preferably during my planning time. (606) 348-8150

Google Classroom - I will be using this to make announcements and add additional resources that will be beneficial for your child.

Smore - This website is what I will be using to create classroom newsletters. I will be sending these home monthly with your child and I will be attaching them to this website under the "newsletter" tab.

Reading Horizons

Students will have access to this resource through the Bell Elementary web page (linked below). Within this website, students will practice core phonic skills that they learn in class. Allowing your child to get on this website at home during free time will reinforce core skills that they are being taught in the classroom.

Log-in Information:

Username: AR Username

Password: Lunch Number


Students will have access to this resource through the Bell Elementary web page (linked below). Within this website, students will practice math skills that they are learning in class. Allowing your child to get on this website at home during free time will reinforce core skills that they are being taught in the classroom.

Log-in Information:

Password: Students have a picture they select at the beginning of the year.