At Home HPE

At Home HPE Lessons and Activities

At Home HPE Daily Checklist:

I played

I exercised for 30 minutes

I got fresh air

I did something kind for someone else

I wrote or told someone something that I am grateful for

I did one chore to help keep my home tidy and clean

I took 5 deep belly breaths (or something to make me feel calm)

Below you will find activities that you can do at home.

You do not have do all the activities. Please do what works best for you and your family. The big thing is to try and get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day if possible.

Please send me videos, pictures, etc. of you doing some At Home HPE! Enjoy and be safe!

All documents can be found on FORMS and DOCUMENTS page.

At Home HPE Easy Activities/Games:

Play Catch

Go for Walk, Run, or Bike Ride

Shoot a basketball

Toss a Disc


Jump Rope
