Have a great summer!

Here are some extra fun activities you can do over the summer! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! Have a great summer!

Here is what you can do!


Keep practicing your reading! I would love you to read at least 20 minutes every day to keep up on your reading power!

Raz Kids

Username: kvanotten

Keep practicing your reading on your level using Raz Kids.

Storyline Online

Just for fun!

Scholastic News

Logging into Scholastic News:

  • Click the image to go to Scholastic News

  • It will ask you if you are a parent or a student. Click STUDENT.

  • Password: vanotten

    • This is all lowercase!

Click on the image to go to the website.


Make sure you are still practicing concepts you learned from 2nd grade! It will help set up a positive year going into 3rd grade when you have retained information you learned in 2nd grade.

Math Magician

Addition and Subtraction Practice

Alien Addition

Addition Practice

Minus Mission

Subtraction Practice

Monster Mansion

Addition and Subtraction Practice

Money Picture

Use this image to help you!

Money Game

Practicing counting money

Telling Time Picture

Use this image to help you!

Time Travel

Practice Telling Time

ST Math

You can still play ST math to refresh your brain on 2nd grade math concepts!

A Little Something Fun!

Remember you have these other wonderful resources to do for fun!

Fun Activities By Teachers at Rolling Meadows

  • Art Activities by Mrs. Willden

  • Phonics Activities by Mrs. Motzkus

  • Readings by Ms. Davis and Mrs. Van Otten

  • Library Online Books by Mrs. Given

  • Social Skills by Ms. Kait and Ms. Liz

Contact Information

If there are any problems, please message me on Class Dojo or Email me! I do keep Class Dojo open until the new school year.