Topic 2-Jamestown

Jamestown-First Successful Colony

The Starving Time

Life at Jamestown

Historic Jamestowne


Indentured Servants in Colonial Virginia

Jamestown Facts & History

Virtual Jamestown

Jamestown Settlement Museum

History if fun at home!

Discovering Jamestown Video Series

Discovering Jamestown: The English

Discovering Jamestown: The West Africans

Discovering Jamestown: The Powhatans

Discovering Jamestown: Legacies

Jamestown Colony "Shut Up and Dance" Parody

John Smith's yells "first"! Let's review the first permanent English settlement in North America!

Shmoop: Jamestown

A history of Jamestown and it's connection to our modern United States.

Smithsonian Learning Lab

Follow through the slides to complete the lesson.

Pocahontas Compare and Contrast

Forensic Anthropology Case: Discovering Jane