Topic 2-The Aztec Empire

Rise and Decline of the Aztec Empire

Aztec Empire Activities

Aztec Empire PowerPoint


If these videos aren't free when you choose to watch them, google 'brainpop login' and try some of the options that pop up. Make sure to take the quiz and complete the activities when you finish the video!


Aztec Civilization

The Americas and Time Keeping

In this episode of Crash Course History of Science, we travel to the Americas to ask the question, "When are we?" and get some answers. We'll look at the Maya, Inca, and Olmec civilizations and how they recorded their science.

Mr. Betts' Class

Let's jam out three major American civilization that were thriving years before Columbus was even born!

Smithsonian Learning Lab

Here is a collection of coding games using Scratch interactive media using MakeyMakey , integrating Aztec games, culture and information. Follow through the slides to complete the lesson!