Extended Closure

The activities posted here are NOT due or included in your grade. The activities are for maintaining your skills and knowledge. It's recommended you participate in these activities so we can quickly get back to graded work when we return to school. For the few who may not be able to complete this, I will not rely on this as foundational knowledge when we return to school without giving you an opportunity to catch up.

As of April 20th, we are posting new lessons and graded content. Please access these materials under the "Assignments" tab.

Creative Writing Prompts

Our writing skills develop the more we practice. The weekly writing prompts I will be posting below will not be required - though you may choose to include them in your class binder when we return in order to have a more complete archive of your work.

Reminder: March Reading Check on 3/31 (Tuesday)

Be sure you have updated your reading log for March with me no later than midnight on 3/31. If you have previously shared your reading log, you will not need to share it again.

REMINDER: Choice Reading

Students, you should still be spending time reading good writing while school is closed. You should also continue to log reading time as you read. Please remember that you were previously assigned to read (and log) 30 minutes per week.

While it can be difficult to access reading material in this time of social distancing, please note that your reading can include: books, poetry, plays, as well as articles and journals.

Here is a link to the KCLS, which offers a variety of digital texts that you can access from home.