
Laboratory Expectations

Lab Rules

Grade Policies:

Rubric/Standards Based Grading:

Each activity we do in class is graded on a 4 point scale (except for weekly warm ups which are based on each days participation). Each activity is graded using a standardized rubric (see the attached rubric to see what they look like). While students will get grades for these assignments I consider the following scale to judge how students are performing in class.

4 = Mastering - The student’s knowledge, understanding, and application of the concepts,  skills, and processes extends beyond the requirements of the standard.

3 = Meeting - The student has thorough knowledge, understanding, and application of the concepts, skills, and processes the standard requires.

2 = Developing - The student is gaining understanding of the concepts, skills, and processes the standard requires, but has not been able to consistently demonstrate the learning.

1 = Beginning - The student is just starting to understand the concepts, skills, and processes the standard requires and needs consistent support.

Here is an example of the first rubric that we use in class, all assignments that cover this topic will be graded using this same rubric...including the quiz/test. 

Students track their individual progress in class and update their own learning progression in class as they fix assignments and make progress in their assignments. Students will be given an inital grade after imstruction is given. There will be additional instruction and re-teaching of the topic and then students will have chances to re-do and correct assignments to increase their understanding and improve their score. 

6.1 MS-ES2-4 SBG Rubric

Missing Work/Late Work :

All homework can be redone, completed or turned in before the end of the unit of study (typically 4-6 weeks). I do not mark points off for late work. You can redo an assignment as many times as it takes to get 100% on an assignment. My hope in this policy is that students will work hard to make corrections and continue to learn what they are getting wrong each time they must redo it. After the final assessment I will no longer accept re-do or missing work as we will move on to a new topic. 

Work Corrections:



Reassessment Form


Unit Challenge

Science Disciplinary Content

Science and Engineering Practices

Designing and Evaluating Engineering Solutions