Classroom Management and Technology Integration Strategies

Class Dojo - I have personally been using Class Dojo for almost 6 years now and I have to say that it has only gotten better over time! In my classrooms I have always had a reward system where students earn money for doing good things, being at school, and completing classroom jobs. They then get to spend that money in our classroom store. I use Class Dojo to keep track of how many credits (positive points) and how many debits (negative points) a student receives and they get paid accordingly.

Students can also use ClassDojo to check in for the start of the day or class period, so it makes attendance a breeze! It keeps parents in the loop as well about their child's behavior because they can setup to see right online what kind of day they are having. ClassDojo gives students the ability to see a tangible number on how they are doing and what they can do to improve.

Best thing above all is that ClassDojo has deemed that it will always be free to teachers!

Rating: ★★★★★★ (out of 5 stars it gets a 6)

Go Noodle - is a website of short brain break and movement videos to get students up and moving and get them refocused on their day. A nice extra is that for every minute of videos the class does, their avatar transforms into something, so there is also a visual goal that students want to reach. This is a must have for teachers, and as someone who has been a substitute teacher, this is a wonderful time filler and refocus activity for the class.

Rating: ★★★★★

Bouncy Balls - is a super fun and visual way for students to see how noisy the class is. On the page there as a set of bouncy balls. The noisier the class becomes, the more the balls bounce around. The goal is to keep the balls pretty stationary. If the class starts becoming noisy, an alert can flash on the screen and tell them that they are being too loud. A way this can be used is by telling the class they will get a reward if the "noisy" alert pops up less than so many times. This helps them all be responsible as a class.

Rating: ★★★★★

Canvas Instructure - is a digital platform that gives all teachers and students the ability to learn, create, distribute, and grade all class work digitally. You can create an entire outline for a project or semester in just a short while and have it ready for students to start working. If students need support on topics, they are able to easily contact their teachers and ask their questions or even ask their fellow classmates for clarifications.

Over the last couple of years Google Classroom has become a big sensation. This YouTube video is a review by a teacher on both platforms and why she has chosen Canvas for her classroom

I prefer Canvas because I like to be able to move things around and see them layed out in different ways (as both a teacher and a student), so I prefer the flexibility that Canvas offers.

Want to see what Canvas looks like in action, check out my Canvas "Ireland" study.

Rating: ★★★★★

ISTE NETS*C Standard 3.1 - Model effective classroom management and collaborative learning strategies to maximize teacher and student use of digital tools and resources and access to technology-rich learning environments.