Weekly homework is posted below. This is subject to change.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have regarding homework. 

Math: Students will receive homework Monday-Thursday of a 2-sided page to reinforce daily skills

Please practice math facts 1-20- addition and subtraction daily! This can be done in the car, at the dinner table, whenever you can squeeze it in will be extremely beneficial for your child! 

*A good idea would be to keep the worksheets we complete in class to help reinforce at home! 


Spelling:  The words for each lesson are the same for the entire week, and a new list will be put in your child's spelling notebook each Monday.


Monday- ABC Order of each word

Tuesday- Write each word 3 times each

Wednesday- Use each word in a great sentence.

Thursday- Study for spelling test.

Friday- Spelling test and no homework.


Reading: Please read for 15 minutes each night. Please record on the reading log and return on specified due dates.