JLOP (Just Love on People)
JLOP (Just Love on People)
"And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these. " Mark 12:30-31
We are so glad you're here! This one of the few clubs at BCHS where literally every one is welcome! On a typical club day, we meet in Room 302, Mrs. Brown's room. We are blessed to have Kelly McDuffie and Jennifer Hart join us for most of our meetings, and if they cannot come they usually will send someone representing Get Real Ministries to come and be with us. Other times, we may have our own student guest speaker!
The purpose of our club is outreach and showing the love of Christ. We believe that, as children of God who are trying our best to follow Him, we need to remember to always LOVE one another and to show that LOVE in everything that we do! "And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. " Colossians 3:17
We would love to have you join us anytime and every time we meet.
Lastly, if you have a special message or song on your heart you would like to share at one of our meetings, we would LOVE to hear from you! Email me (Mrs. Brown)or Mrs. Lord at if you are interested.
Join our Remind! Text @bchsjlop to 81010. You will be notified of club meetings and/or other activities.
Follow us on Instagram: @bchs_jlop
Club Meeting Dates - 2022 -2023
1st Semester: 2nd Semester:
Check out Get Real Ministries! Through Get Real, there are opportunities for you to SERVE your community! This is what JLOP is all about, and we are proud to have Kelly and Jennifer stand with us and support us with our club here at BCHS. Click the link below!
Get Real Care Center Dates
(3rd Tuesday of each month)
August 16, 2022
September 20, 2022
October 18, 2022
November 15, 2022
December 20, 2022
Virtual Meeting Videos
In celebration of this month when we are celebrating women, I thought Priscilla Shirer would be a great speaker for us to listen to. She has been a predominant leader in the Christian community for a long time and has made several guest appearances in movies! She's a good role model for us ladies and for the young men too. Listen and be blessed!
It's a club day! Nick Vujicic has been inspiring me for years. In his ministry, Life Without Limbs, Nick travels the world inspiring young people with his messages of encouragement, the Gospel, and love. I pray that as you watch this video you will realize how PRECIOUS you are in the Father's eyes, how much we LOVE you, and how IMPORTANT you are! If someone without limbs can find purpose in his life, then so can YOU! I hope you are encouraged by what he has to say. Stop by and say hello sometime!
Love you all! ~Mrs. Brown
Club Meeting #2 - 10/7/2020
Hey y'all! Thanks for joining us for our 2nd virtual club meeting! Today you'll be hearing from me, Mrs. Brown. Warning! I'm NOT the best speaker. Sometimes I feel like my words just don't come out how I want them to, but I felt like God wanted me to share this with you all. The video got broken up into two parts, so please watch both! :)
Please think about joining us for Care Center this month!
Join REMIND so I can send you messages when I get the videos uploaded! :)
Lastly, I uploaded a link to a song I posted to FB a while back to encourage my friends. Give it a look if you're interested!
Also, I'm planning on asking Kelly and Jennifer to join us next time, so come back for our next meeting if you missed them this time!
Part 1, Part 2, and an Optional Song!
Club Meeting Video #1: 9/9/2020
Thank you Kelly, Jennifer, and Kaitlyn for sharing with us from the Get Real house! If you are interested in getting involved with Get Real Ministries, visit: https://getrealnow.org/
The easiest way to get involved is to volunteer on a Care Center Night!
"Once per month we host a food distribution for our community. On this night we serve a hot meal, give a food box and clothing as needed to families from our community. The care center is always held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Volunteers are ALWAYS needed: packing boxes prior to the night, serving food to families, carrying food boxes, helping with clothing and so on. There is always a job for you to do!" (Taken from https://getrealnow.org/)
See Mrs. Brown if you have questions! 😊
Join our Remind! Text @bchsjlop to 81010. You will be notified of club meetings and/or other activities.
Other Videos