Van Gogh Starry Night

Watch the video on Van Gogh, from the artist cartoon section of the website. Then you will make your own version of a starry night. We are adding a little twist. We are adding pumpkins in a field under a starry night. Below I will show you how to step by step draw a pumpkin, then add the starry night to the picture and color it in. Follow the number order and it will help you with your picture. You will need a box of crayons or colored pencils, a pencil, a black sharpie or marker and a regular piece of paper for this activity.

This is a print of Van Gogh's Starry Night. Notice all the little brush strokes around the stars and in the sky to give it a look of wind blowing or movement. That is what we are going to do with our sky for our pumpkins.

Step 1: Draw an oval shape in the middle of your paper. Make sure to keep the oval towards the bottom of the paper.

Step 2: Draw a half circle on one side of the oval. Be sure to connect the top of the half circle to the top of the oval. you will also connect it at the bottom. Look at the picture below to help.

Step 3: Repeat the same step as before and do it on the other side of the oval.

Step 3: Follow the same directions as step two above. You will be adding another half circle of the other side of the oval. You pumpkin should now look the same on both sides of the oval.. Remember if your ovals and half circles are not even exactly the same of even that is ok. If you ever go to a pumpkin patch none of the pumpkins are the same or exactly perfect. The more bumps and uneven sides the more it makes it unique..

Step 4: Repeat the same instructions as step 2 and 3. You will be adding more half circles on each side of the pumpkin. You may also add a stem and leaves if you would like.

Step 5: We are going to start adding the starry night to your sky above the pumpkin. You will need to pull out your yellow, orange and blue colors either a crayon or colored pencil. You will start with the yellow first and make small circles of polka dots at the top of the pumpkin in the sky. These will be the stars in your sky. Color in the circles with the yellow, you may draw as many circles as you would like.

Step 6: You are going to get your orange crayon or pencil and draw a line on both sides of each yellow circle. You are going to add depth to your stars.

Step 7: We are going to make it look like Van Gogh's brush strokes. You are going to take a dark blue color, and draw little lines or marks around the yellow circles and all over the sky. This will add the movement and look like you painted like Van Gogh.

Step 8: Since we used the dark blue to draw all the lines around the sky. We are going to use a light blue to shade in the sky. Do not color over the yellow dots. But color in all the sky, you can color over lightly the dark blue lines as well. If you do not have a lighter blue, then just shade in really lightly the sky. Make sure you don't push too hard on the pencil or crayon and you will still be able to see the dark lines.

Step 9: Outline your pumpkin with a black sharpie or marker. Then you can color your pumpkin and the grass around the pumpkin. You may color your pumpkin whatever color you would like to. Pumpkins come in all sorts of colors. If you would like to have a Jack o lantern in the grassy field then add a face to your pumpkin.

For fun you may add more pumpkins to your field and add more grass...