At South, we truly believe in supporting the WHOLE child. The social emotional piece is of equal importance. We teach the yoga4classrooms, the Calm Classroom, and we use the Toolbox in grades k-5. Does your child need a movement break throughout the day? Find a yoga video below (my favorite) to start the day or to use as a movement break. Does your child need to think about the strategies they've learned to tackle a problem or situation? Pull out the toolbox lanyard and encourage your child to use one of the tools below.

yoga 4 classrooms

Click picture to be directed to the youtube page which walks your child through all the YOGA cards found below!

dovetail toolbox

The common language of toolbox is used at South. Click for your child to create their own lanyard at home!

calm classroom

Click to be directed to the Calm Classroom site with strategies and techniques.

Click here to listen to a read aloud, find a movement break, discover breathing routines!

Need a Break Station

Mountain Pose: Using the card or the video, walk your child through the steps of the Mountain Pose! This card is a great option to either ground/calm or to help focus. Once learned, your child can use this throughout the day!

Washing Machine: This is Mrs. Wheeler's all time favorite card. This Washing Machine is great when needing a movement break or needing to release some silliness. It clears the mind and relaxes the body. Once your child learns the Washing Machine, they can use this at any time throughout the day!

Special Place: Do you notice the purple card? This is known as the relaxation card! This is a wonderful mind break for your child. I typically use this in the classroom halfway through the day to recharge and refocus. Playing quiet music in the background is a nice touch!

Balloon Breath: Energizing and Calming breathing technique. Feeling stressed or worried? Needing a break from the day or the situation? Try balloon breath! The video fully explains how to use your breath appropriately! (Also known as the breathing tool. Mrs. Wheeler loves this one!)

Magic Massage: Great mid-day self care yoga card. This card takes about 5 minutes and it's like hitting the "reset" button for the rest of your afternoon! Parents, you might love this one just as much as your kiddo!

Tree Pose- This red card is known to be a balance challenge! Find a place at home where you have a couch or chair nearby for support. Keeping your eyes closed if you can, and refocus that energy on your balance!

Gratitude Relaxation: Did your child enjoy the purple imagination vacation? I did too! Here is another one called the Gratitude Relaxation- it's okay to have feelings and to notice those feelings!

Chair Yoga Series: Mrs. Wheeler LOVES these ones and you better believer she uses them all the time when sitting and working at home. This is great when feeling wiggly in your seat. Take a minute and learn all three- you can pull them out whenever you need it!

toolbox strategy