Virtual Counseling

Mrs. Stepanek provides school-based counseling services to students with IEPS, 504s, or students who are in need of counseling with prior parent consent.

Google Classrooms

Students who have regular counseling sessions with Mrs. Stepanek will have access to a Google Classroom. Counseling materials will be posted here. Students will also access their counseling sessions using the GoogleMeet link in the Google Classroom. Students who receive individual counseling will each have their own classroom to protect confidentiality. Students who receive group counseling will share a Google Classroom with other members of the group.

Google Meet Video Counseling

Counseling sessions are set up using Google Meet. This allows for video and/or telephone sessions. Sessions range in time based on student need and plans. Mrs. Stepanek will send out a Google Meet link code which can be accessed via computer, IPad, or cell phone. Video is encouraged as counseling may be more effective. A student may wish to find a confidential space within the house to talk. Headphones may be helpful in increasing confidentiality. A parent/guardian must be home at the time of the counseling session.