
E-mail - You can e-mail me any time at I answer my e-mail daily but I don’t always check the computer before the end of the school day. If it is an urgent message, please don’t leave a message on e-mail (especially if it is near the end of the day).

Call Middletown Prairie School - You are welcome to call me at Middletown Prairie any time. The school office number is (217) 586-5833. They can get a message to me at anytime during the day. This is a great way to communicate especially if there is an urgent message!

Newsletters - I write weekly newsletters and send them out on Friday afternoon. In the newsletter I include important events that are coming up, what we covered academically, and general information from our week at school. I plan on sending the newsletter out via e-mail this year. If you don’t have an account you check regularly, please let me know and I can send home a hard copy with your child. The newsletters contain very important information so please read them over each week.

Orange Take-Home Folder - Along with books, your child should bring their “Take Home Folder” to and from school every day. This folder will include some of the work that your child has completed during the week. It will also include other papers such as book orders, notes from the school, and lunch menus. Please look through your child’s folder every night. Some items in the folder will be RETURN TO SCHOOL items and some will be KEEP AT HOME.