PT 2

Performance Task 2: The IWA (Individual Written Argument) 

& The IMP (Individual Multimedia Presentation) 

35% of overall score

Make sure to check out AP Live: AP Seminar - 38 videos that break down EOC A, EOC B, PT1, and PT2 for students 


Assuming your students have completed a practice PT2 in the fall, the first thing to do when embarking on the 30-day to 6 week adventure that is PT2 is to:

Below are some talking points I use with my students

Next on the agenda are class discussions on each stimulus text and a topic brainstorm session following each discussion. The first 5 points on the rubric cannot be earned without a relevant integration of one of the stimulus materials into your argument.

To give you an opportunity to hone your speaking skills, I'm going to have groups of you (or individuals, in some cases) lead discussions on different stimulus texts. You will all read and annotate all texts, but will only be responsible for leading a discussion of one. Below is a list of who is leading which discussion (please make note of the dates on the calendar).

This generally takes us about a week and involves students reading and annotating a new piece each night. I read and annotate as well to trouble-shoot during the discussions, but my primary role is note-taker. Below is one of our brainstorm sessions as an example: 

Topic Ideas from Stimulus Materials Discussions:  Stimulus Class Discussion Notes 2020

Planning Stage:

Once students work through the stimulus texts with classmates, their next challenge is to brainstorm ideas and determine a topic. Below are helpful resources during the planning stage:

During the weeks of drafting, I like to divide days like this:

Once outlining and drafting are complete, it's time for editing...

It's important to determine an Editing Buddy for PT2, but don't overlook self editing. Work through resources below in both the Self-Editing and Peer-Editing sections.


Top 10 Tips for Successful IWA Papers

Self-Editing Assignment: Complete the self-editing assignment HERE


Editing Buddy Assignment: Either use the annotated scoring rubric below to score and provide written feedback in the form of commentary to your writer OR use the Performance Task 2 Peer Review document to provide feedback. 

Before Uploading the IWA