Mrs. Mancini's Menagerie

Meet Charles Wallace - our class Hedgehog. 

We drove to NH without stopping and then back and then quarantined for 14 days because we had to leave state to get him couldn't be too careful!

Check out my slide show to see the rest of my menagerie....

Dogs: Rosie & Rohrbach "Rory"

Our beloved Ruby lived 18 years and after herding 4 kids kissed us goodbye in November 2021.

Cat: Cinder who is also 18!

Turtle: Mr. Wiggles/Yertle - he's a turtle, he doesn't answer to his name so, whatever.

My oldest has his own dog, Onondaga "Oggy" who we consider family.

We have a backyard pond full of goldfish and a menacing frog! Wild bunnies, raccoons, chipmunks, and squirrels galore.

**** We do not have chickens, I do not want chickens, I am not a fan of birds, fowl, or snakes...but I called a Bearded Dragon my nephew for a while.

Mrs. Mancini dreams of fostering puppies and kittens some day, but retirement is a long way away. In the meantime I just support my friends who do:

Family Vacation

We love to travel but every summer we return as a family to The Cape.