The Pencil Challenge 

Dear Families,

As we begin the school year, I wanted to explain one of the ways I will promote responsibility in our classroom.  Every year, each student brings in approximately 48 sharpened pencils to use. Each child will be given six pencils with their classroom number written on them. They will also get a pouch to keep them in. Each child will have access to those six pencils all week. They will keep two with them that are sharpened at all times. The others will stay in their pouch. If they need a fresh pencil, they will exchange it for one in their pouch. On Friday they will put two sharp ones in their box for Monday, and the pouch of dull pencils will go home with a student. The student will sharpen the entire set of classroom pencils. The goal is to keep track of just six pencils all year. If they lose one, it will be replaced but I promise you, they can do it. At the end of the year, I will send home extra school supplies to be used next year.  You are also able to keep them for next year! We will also do this with glue sticks, dry-erase markers, and large erasers. This allows us to reinforce wants and needs all year!

I will need volunteers to help sharpen pencils throughout the year.  Please let me know if you are interested.