The Team

 Our organization team is growing organically by the hour... stay tuned for more faces.



Antonia Kaiser

Antonia just finished her PhD and is about to start a postdoc at EPFL in Lausanne!



Candace Fleischer

Candace is an Assistant Professor at Emory University School of Medicine and Georgia Tech where she investigates brain metabolism and temperature after brain injury, stroke, and in patients with cancer using MRS.



Georg Oeltzschner

Georg is an Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins University. He is interested in creating a vibrant community centered around the creation of useful open-source MRS tools.




Jamie Near

Jamie is an Associate Professor at the Sunnybrook Research Institute at the University of Toronto. He has published the popular open-source MRS toolkit FID-A and is a strong supporter of open-science practices in preclinical and clinical MRS.