
Dear Parents,

This month's Scholastic Book Clubs flyer is ready for you to explore with your child. Once you've decided which books to purchase, please give online ordering a try. It saves time, offers more book choices, and earns extra rewards and books for the classroom. Have fun reading!

To start ordering online, follow these simple steps:

1. Register at Scholastic Book Clubs' secure Web site (, and create your own Username and Password.

2. Enter the one time Class Activation Code above to link you to our classroom.

3. Choose the books that you would like to order.

4. Pay for your selections using your credit card.

5. Submit your order to me online.

*It's always a special moment to see an entire classroom bursting with excitement to open the book box!

*Your purchases earn points for the class that we can use to purchase classroom supplies, enrichment materials and books for classroom use!

Thank you !!

Scholastic Book Clubs Ordering Information

Class Activation Code: W2F27

*** Paper copies will also go home each month if you would prefer to send in a check. Please make checks out to Scholastic Books