whats star trek about?

you know?

like obviously it exists as a fundamentally hopeful prediction for the future

a semi positive outlook on humanity and their ideals as a species

a statement before the void

that in fact the things we believe in

do matter

but what's that about?

the existence of matter implies the existence of anti-matter

the inverse of importance

frivolity, wit and fun, jokes, japes, and japanese porn

the existence of matter is itself a vast statement of denial

An angry violent outburst against the simple pastimes of the average joe

a demand that in fact the things we do or say or think or feel carry some meaning within them. That the world need not be perceived as shapeless and empty. A husk of violence and death. A husk of stars burning out and destroying everything in a 30 million light year radius. A grim look inside the self, that opens up to the desire for a better future.

but like what's it about?

you know?