For real like do they?

pretend you're a divine being at work right, your job is to carry dead souls to heaven

you see a small child standing in the road about to be hit by a car and you say "oh god no, not another one" Seems like a fairly reasonable exclamation

but being that you are a real angel who is actually subservient to god, "not another one" is a serious request, and the chances of an all powerful god acknowledging and listening to that request are within the realms of plausibility

so you wouldn't say "oh god no" that'd be like invoking the name of your manager because you don't feel like doing your job.

"Oh Mr. tesla, not another set of model spaceships, deliver me from this torment"

that's weird, a real person wouldn't say that because having to design model spaceships is a triviality that you're being paid to endure. A minor inconvenience that you might complain about but expect to go through with anyways.

In that moment of beleaguered service to an entity more powerful than themselves what can an angel say?

What monsters hide in the closets of a cherub? Only to be joked about later in life as the kind of foolish nonsense we know all too well

What creatures might dwell in the psyches of the omniscient? What beasts, what horrors might skirt the edges of their existence which in truth present no real threat, but still carry the leftover childlike Fear of the Dark.