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  1. Learn: Create beautiful, increasingly more complex graphics using simple but powerful tools, precision and style following the specifications. Create, manage and edit documents using all of the available tools.

  2. Topic: You are creating a piece using a stencil or freehand. Fill it with 100+ straight lines only of varied size, color, fill, thickness and pattern.

  3. Look at the examples of projects and student ideas all around the project. You can recreate any of them.

  4. You can share your drawings by right-click > Save to keep and then copy or save the generated image.

  5. For help click-here or go 'Back to class' and click 'HELP' to learn how to do each step. Learn Step A, B and C.

Step 0

  • Click-here to make a copy of the Graphics document template and complete its instructions.

Step 1

  • Complete the opening research box in your document.

Step 2

  1. Complete the left part of the work box in your document.

  2. Create a piece as described in the topic and follow the specifications.

  3. Add a one-word name for your piece in one of its corners: Actions > WordArt, very smal

Step 3

  • Complete the right part of the work box in your document.

Step 4

  • Complete the reflections-4Cs box in your document.

Step 5

  1. Complete the research box in your document.

  2. Research choices: Person: Mark Zuckerberg OR Hardware: Abacus OR Software: Flappy Birds.

Step 6, 7

  1. Complete the closing box and checklist in your document. Follow the hints to improve your English and work.

  2. Improve your portfolio and resume with my sample, clean-up your data and your email, or visit the resources.