Jae-In (Jane) Hwang, Dr.

Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering

Principal Research Scientist

Center for Artificial Intelligence

KIST(Korea Institute of Science and Technology)


Ph.D: Computer Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea (2007)

M.S : Computer Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea (2000)

B.E : Computer Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea (1998)


[2019.03 - present] Principal Research Scientist at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)

[2009.01 - present] Assistant Professor at Univ. Science and Technology (KIST School, UST)

[2009.01 - 2019.02] Senior Research Scientist at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)

[2011.03 - 2011.09] Visiting Researcher at Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California (USC)

[2010 - 2011] Adjunct Professor at Korea University

[2008.01 - 2008.12] Research Scientist at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)

[2007.08 - 2007.12] Assistant Research Professor at Korea University

[2007.03 - 2007.08] PostDoc at Korea University

[2003.09 - 2004.08] Visiting Scholar at University of Southern California (USC)


Fall 2018: Introduction to VR and AR

Fall 2016: Introduction to Mobile AR

Spring 2016: Introduction to 3D Interaction

Spring 2015: Introduction to Mobile AR

Spring 2014: Introduction to Mobile AR

Fall 2012: Introduction to Computer Vision and AR

Spring 2011: Advanced AR

Fall 2010: Introduction to AR

Fall 2009: Introduction to Mobile AR

Fall 2008: Introduction to AR


Computer and Graphics 2012

ISMAR 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

Ubicomp 2009, 2010

Pervasive 2009


APMAR 2016 - General Chair

APMAR 2015 - General Chair

KJMR 2014 - Program Co-Chair

HCI Korea 2014 - Program Co-Chair

KJMR 2013 - Program Co-Chair

ISMAR 2010 - Local Arrangement Chair

KJMR 2010 - Organizing Chair

ISUVR 2007 - General Chair

Board Member of Korea HCI (2010 ~)

Board Member of KCGS (Korea Computer Graphics Society) (2012 ~)


Samsung Electronics R&D

LG Electronics


SK Telecom

Mirae Asset


2011 Outstanding Lecturer of UST

2010 Outstanding Lecturer of UST (24/860)


YTN Science, VR, 새로운 세상을 열다, 2019.04.25 [LINK]

MBC NEWS, 독거노인 쓰러지면?…'스마트 로봇'이 신고 '척척', 2018.09.23 [LINK]

MBC NEWS, 美스포츠에 부는 'VR' 바람 "가상현실로 실전 훈련", 2017.03.02 [LINK]

KBS NEWS, 미래 먹거리 ‘AR’…국내 현주소는?, 2016.07.14 [LINK]

KOCCA Blog, 박물관에 나타난 공룡과의 인터랙션, 2016.06.30 [LINK]

UST Magazine, [제6호] 인간과 기계, 그 경계를 뛰어넘는 소통의 기술(KIST 캠퍼스, HCI 및 로봇응응공학, 황재인 교수), 2016.06.02 [LINK]

MBC NEWS, [뉴스플러스] IT 융합 시대…"자동차도 가전제품", 2014.01.08 [LINK]

UST Magazine, 인간과 기계, 그 경계를 뛰어넘는 소통의 기술, 2011.10.28 [LINK]

KBS NEWS, 2009.12.28


Handheld Augmented Reality* Mobile AR for large paintings

* Mobile AR Authoring and Results

Mobile User Interaction for 3D (MUI3D)

Handheld Virtual Reality

Teleoperation in Augmented Reality

Rehabilitation using virtual reality


International Journals/Conferences:

2009 ~ PRESENT

Visit Mixed Reality Laboratory website [LINK].


Jane Hwang, Sangyup Lee, Sang Chul Ahn, Hyoung-gon Kim, "Augmented Robot Agent: Enhancing Co-Presence of the Remote Participant", IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Sep 2008. [Link]

Ig-Jae Kim, Sang-yup Lee, Jane Hwang, Sang Chul Ahn, Hyoung Gon Kim, "Tangible Telemeeting System with Tangible Video Avatar and Large Display", 39th International Symposium on Robotics, 2008.


Sang-Yup Lee, Jane Hwang, Sang C. Ahn, Myo-Taeg Lim, and Hyoung-Gon Kim, "Tangible Video Avatar for Natural Tele-Interaction", TSI Workshop, 2007.

Jane Hwang, Gerard Jounghyun Kim, Sang Yup Lee, Sang Chul Ahn, Hyung Gon Kim, "Towards Gapless Tangible Space", TSI Workshop, 2007.

Sunghoon Yim, Jane Hwang, Seungmoon Choi, and Gerard J. Kim, "Image Browsing in Mobile Device Using User Motion Tracking", In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality, 2007.

Gabjong Han, Jane Hwang, Seungmoon Choi, and Gerard J. Kim, "AR Pottery: Experiencing Pottery Making in the Augmented Space", Lecture Notes on Computer Science (Virtual Reality, HCII 2007), vol. 4563, pp. 642–650, 2007.


Jane Hwang, Jaehoon Jung, Sunghoon Yim, Jaeyoung Cheon, Sungkil Lee, Seungmoon Choi, and Gerard J. Kim, "Requirements, Implementation and Applications of Hand-held Virtual Reality," International Journal of Virtual Reality, Vol.5. No.2, pp.59-66, 2006.

Hwang, J. Jung, J., Kim, G. J.(2006), "Manipulation of Field of View for Hand-held Virtual Reality", 16th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (LNCS).

Hwang, J., Jung, J., Kim, G. J.(2006), "Hand-held Virtual Reality: A Feasibility Study", ACM VRST 2006 PDFJeon.

Hwang, J., Kim, G. J.(2006), "Interaction Techniques in Large Display Environments using Hand-held Devices", ACM VRST 2006. [Link]

Hwang, J., Kim, N., Kim, G. J.(2006), "Immersing Tele-operators in Collaborative Augmented Reality", International Symposium on Visual Computing 2006.

Hwang, J., Kim, G. J., Kim, N.(2006), "Camera based Relative Motion Tracking for Hand-held Virtual Reality", NICOGRAPH International 2006, Seoul, South Korea, June 2-3. 2006.

Feintuch, U., Raz, Liat., Hwang, J., Jang, Y., Josman, N., Katz, N., Kizony, R., Rand, D., Rizz, A.A., Shahar, M. and Weiss, P.L.(2006), "Integrating haptic-tactile feedback into a video capture based VE for rehabilitation", CyberPsychology & Behavior, Apr 2006, Vol. 9, No. 2: 129-132.


Feintuch, U., Raz, Liat., Hwang, J., Jang, Y., Josman, N., Katz, N., Kizony, R., Rand, D., Rizz, A.A., Shahar, M. and Weiss, P.L.(2005), "Integrating haptic-tactile feedback into a video capture based VE for rehabilitation", 4th International Workshop on Virtual Rehabilitation, Catalina Island, CA. USA., Sep 19-21, 2005.

Rizzo, A.A., Kim, G.J., Yeh S. C., Thiebaux, M., Hwang, J., Buckwalter, G.(2005), "Development of a Benchmarking Scenario for Testing 3D User Interface Devices and Interaction Methods", The Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, USA, July 22-27. 2005.

Rizzo, A.A., Buckwalter, J.G., Bowerly, T., Yeh, S., Hwang, J., Thiebaux, M. & Kim, G. J. (2004). "Virtual Reality Applications for Assessment and Rehabilitation of Cognitive and motor Processes", 15th Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology & Kinesiology, Boston MA June 18-21.


Hwang, J., Kim, G. J., Rizzo, A.A.(2004), "Space Extension: The Perceptual Presnece Perceptive", ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on VRCAI, Singapore, June 16-18.

Rizzo, A.A., Buckwalter, J.G., Bowerly, T., Yeh, S., Hwang, J., Thiebaux, M. & Kim, G. J. (2004), 15th Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology & Kinesiology, Boston MA June 18-21, 2004.


Jung, B., Hwang, J., Kim, G. J., Lee, E., H, Kim, "Incoporating Copresence in Distributed Virtual Music Environment", ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Systems and Technology, 2000.

Hwang, J., Kim, G. J., " Design and Analysis of Virtual Musical Environment", Proc. of International Computer Music Conference, Berlin, Germany, 2000.


Kim, G. J., Hwang, J, "Musical Motion: A Medium for Uniting Visualization and Control of Music in the Virtual Environment", International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia 1999.

Domestic Journals/Conferences:

2009 ~ PRESENT

Visit Mixed Reality Laboratory website [LINK].


임성훈, 황재인, 최승문, 김정현, "모바일 장치를 위한 동작 추적형 이미지 브라우징 시스템", 한국 HCI 학회 논문지, 2008.

Sunghoon Yim, Jane Hwang, Seungmoon Choi, and Gerard J. Kim, "Image Browsing in Mobile Devices Using User Motion Tracking", Journal of HCI Korea, 2008 (in Korean; invited).


황재인, 김정현, "재난 구조용 웨어러블 인터페이스의 설계", 디지털엔터테인먼트학회 논문지, 1권 1호, pp. 39-41.

한갑종, 황재인, 최승문, 김정현, "증강현실 기반의 3차원 도자기 모델링 시스템", 한국 HCI학회 논문지, 2권 2호, pp. 19-26, 2007.

Gabjong Han, Jane Hwang, Seungmoon Choi, and Gerard J. Kim, "3D Pottery Modeling in Augmented Reality", Journal of the HCI Society of Korea, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 19-26, 2007 (in Korean; invited).

임성훈, 황재인, 최승문, 김정현, "모바일 장치를 위한 동작 추적형 이미지 브라우징 시스템", 한국 HCI 학술대회 논문집, pp. 440-446, 2007.

Sunghoon Yim, Jane Hwang, Seungmoon Choi and Gerard J. Kim, "Image Browsing in Mobile Devices Using User Motion Tracking", In Proceedings of the HCI Korea, pp. 440-446, 2007 (in Korean).


황재인, 정병대, 김정현, "분산 가상 음악 환경의 구현 및 분석", 2001 정보과학회지 5월호On MediaArirang TV, 2013.6.14. [Link]. "IT 융합 시대…'자동차도 가전제품'" 3'31" ~ 3'42" [1] 2014.01.08.