Web Site Design Page

Things we need to do for our websites:

  • You must have a theme for the site (What is it for?)
  • You must name the website(try not to use your full name on the site)
  • You will have at least 2-3 different pages to navigate the site.

The goal for our Website Design Group is for every member to learn how to create their own Google website. They will be able to manipulate the site by inserting text, pictures, videos and widgets.

Links to all the group and individual websites will go here. We will be able to see them once they are published.

Our Website Design Project for the 2nd Half 2018:

Our group will create websites for each Creation lab. We will split up into groups of two and create custom websites for them. Using our expert skills, each Creation Lab will be represented with feedback from each group. Each website will have pictures, videos, interviews, group mission and more.

Creation Labs-

  1. The Mural Group https://sites.google.com/view/the-carver-center-mural-design/home
  2. Music https://sites.google.com/view/website-design-music/home
  3. Science of Food https://sites.google.com/view/carvercenterscienceoffood/home

Individual Website links will be listed here. Websites that were made using Port Chester School emails can not be shared here but the students will have them up for all to see.

