By far, the best way to contact me is via e-mail to my Gmail account...  To do so, please click on the e-mail address inside the quotes: ""...     


(Please be aware that my response may be delayed during periods of high volume e-mail activity.  This typically occurs during those points in the semester when we need to communicate the most - Progress Reports, Midterm and End of Term...  In such instances, please read below for a more robust communications protocol.)

  My complete contact information is below:

Tom Bertin


Technological Studies/Computer  Science Department

Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School

2420 Sixth Line

Oakville, Ontario


L6H 5Z8

V: 905-257-3534, x. 2210 (Workroom)

   905-257-3534, x. 2313 (Classroom)

   905-257-3534, x. 3002 (Voicemail)

F: 905-257-6262 (*NOT* confidential)

e1: (Preferred)



e4 (for legacy purposes):

e5 (deprecated):


Twitter: @tbertinsclass



  If Your Need is Urgent, Kindly Consider This re.: a More Robust Communications Protocol...  Please note that I have started to receive an overwhelming volume of calls and e-mails from a vast array of stakeholder sources.  You should e-mail me if you want to make sure I see something.  I guarantee you that I read every e-mail and prioritize it accordingly.  ***However***, I have regrettably and begrudgingly reached the conclusion that a very small percentage of these incoming communications are drowned (sent to the bottom of the queue) in the daily torrent of requests sent my way.  Please rest assured that I take all possible measures to minimize these occurrences.  The bottom line is this:  ***If you have tried all of the above methods to contact me and at least 3 (three) business days have passed and you have not received a response to your inquiry that meets or exceeds your expectations, please speak with someone in the Main Office (905-257-3534) and request a message be relayed.***  Your understanding and cooperation in this matter are greatly appreciated and deeply valued.


  Thank you for making Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School your academic destination of choice at the secondary level.