All Quiet - Chapter 10 study questions & vocab

Vocabulary for chapter 10:

  • dug-out
  • Stark
  • idyll
  • eiderdown
  • wireless
  • entice
  • superficiality
  • fortnight
  • fastidious
  • valet
  • perambulator
  • amputate
  • cloroform
  • fatuous
  • surreptitious
  • flat feet
  • club foot
  • evade
  • litany
  • heathen
  • tetanus

Study/discussion questions: begin in class Wednesday, 4/11:

  1. The comrades are in an abandoned town. What do they pilfer? What do you think happened to the inhabitants and how much warning do you think they had?
  2. Write out their menu.
  3. What is the striking irony of the middle paragraph on page 239?
  4. What would be the thoughts of the refugees? (p. 239) What do you think a child would be thinking?
  5. Why were the wounded given an anti-tetanus shot? (241)
  6. The chopping block: why do the doctors amputate so often? What do you think about that? (242-243)
  7. Why is Paul so frightened? What happened to his friend Kemmerich? (242-243) What were the dangers of early anesthesia?
  8. Why doesn't Paul feel comfortable with clean sheets? (246)
  9. How does Paul feel about the nurse? (246, 248)
  10. Have you been in or visited a hospital? What were your impressions? What would be the disadvantages of life flat on your back?
  11. Would you have been willing to volunteer as a red-cross voluntary aid in WWI? Vietnam? Afghanistan? Would it be a difficult job? In what ways? Would it be a rewarding job? In what ways?
  12. What happened to Franz Wachter? (255 - 257)
  13. What was the purpose of the Dying Room? (256-257) Why does Josef refuse to go there?(258) Why is Peter so special (261-262)
  14. Why do doctors sometimes use wartime for operation and other medical experiments? Is that just? What do you think of the chief surgeon? (259-260) Would you consent to the operation?
  15. Why are revolvers and knives not allowed in the sick wards? (260-262)
  16. "A hospital alone shows what war is." How does the hospital reveal the senselessness of war? (263-264)
  17. What is the significance of crepe paper bandages? Do you think the war will last much longer?