Fact vs Opinion peer edit Due Friday 9/29

Peer Edit Fact vs. Opinion

-- Media Studies Comparison/Contrast paper

I would like you to focus on the organization as well as ideas and development for your comments on this paper.

1. Read the two articles and determine whether one was clearly fact-based/nonbiased while the other was clearly opinion based. Are they clearly from reputable sources? Name the sources:

2. Does the paper clearly show the differences between fact based and opinion articles?

3. Paragraph one: Do they first introduce the topic, then clearly introduce the two articles, the sources the articles came from, the authors and the dates published? Do they then give enough background on the topic for us to understand why it is newsworthy?

4. Paragraph two: Do they identify and explain the writing style of the factual piece, including quotes to back up the statements? Points could be about word choice, level of formality, point of view, choice of interviews, facts and quotes, etc.

5. Paragraph three: Do they identify and explain the writing style of the opinion piece, including quotes to back up the statements? Points could be about word choice, level of formality, point of view, choice of interviews, facts and quotes, etc.

6. Does the comparison of paragraph two and three line up with balanced points of comparison? Name them:

7. Paragraph four: In this paragraph, do they draw successful conclusions about the content and style of factual pieces vs. opinion pieces?

Do they mention the following?:

  • How do the two articles compare in depth and accuracy of information?
  • Why are the distinctions important to note?
  • How might each article, separately, influence a reader?
  • What does all this show us – what is important to look at?
  • What can we learn from this as readers? As writers?

8. Also address conventions and voice and any other areas of strength or weakness in the piece.